All Saints Church Blog,Poems I don’t want to go

I don’t want to go

Thus poem is based on the event recorded in Matthew chapter 17, often called The Transfiguration. 

I don’t want to go Lord.
The mountaintop is where I want to be
With you in your Glory
With Moses and Elijah
I don’t want to go Lord.

Please let’s stay here
Where the air is as clear as my vision of you
Where it is easy to see your majesty and power
And the trials and struggles down below
Have faded almost into silence

From here I can see how they are being transformed into the girders of your plan
But down there the smoke and the noise
Is painful to my ears and to my heart.

I’ll stay here. I’ll build three tents where you can stay and have just a few hours more of the light
Before I have to face the darkness and struggle again.

And the voice thunders from the cloud
And I am silent and blind before Him.
Knelt like Job
before the one who fashioned the stars.

And as my eyes clear I cannot see anything.
The cloud of glory is now
just a horizon shrinking mist.
Terrified I look around.
Am I alone.
Have I traded intimacy for isolation
with my foolish words.

Then I turn and see only Him,
Holding out his hand in a desperate invitation
To walk with him the road to His Cross
And mine.

I don’t want to let go Lord
The valley of shadow is where I want to be
With you in your suffering
With the broken and the unloved
I don’t want to let go Lord.

And a burst of Sun breaks through the clouds and for fleeting instant he is bright again.
Bright with the promise of resurrection
And glory restored.

©2020 – JJ – A Church Family member – Published by All Saints Church with permission

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