God is a trampoline; But too often we stand on the edge. It may be a bit hard to balance on the frame, But its solidity makes us feel secure, Stepping in feels a bit wobbly, So we stick to the edge, Even though it’s
The poems are written by many people, some famous, some members of the Church Family. The words can help us to think about how we can live out our lives as friends and followers of Jesus – “Disciples” is the word the Bible uses for that.
If these poems help you, or inspire you, please share them, but please also make sure people know where they came from – especially those written by members of the Church Family.
If you have a favourite poem that you think we ought to include, or something you have written, then please get in touch!

My heart longs for the freedom That only you can give, Let me understand Lord, You died that I might live Break every chain that binds me In the power of Jesus’ name. From the sin that binds me captive, Jesus let me live again.

Evening NewsEvening News
I watch the evening news and squirm as the world’s soot settles over me – the latest dregs of national gossip, the teeming international inequities, sin and sordidness paraded as human rights, the pollution of greed, violence and horror, societies’ daily sensations. I feel assaulted,