This is my body, the living bread,
Take it and eat it, the saviour said.
Each time you eat it, remember Me,
I gave my body to set you free.
This is my blood, the fruit of the vine,
My blood was shed to make you mine.
Each time you drink it remember me,
I shed My blood, and now you are free.
Each time I drink of the blood of the lamb,
And eat of His body I know who I am.
A child of my Father, with Jesus my brother.
I now follow Him and not any other.
He went to the cross and the victory he won,
Death was defeated, and God’s will was done.
He ascended on high, to His Father above,
And all this was done to show us God’s love.
Raise up a shout for the lamb who was slain,
And give Him the glory again and again.
Light a fire in your heart, and let the flame burn,
As we wait for our Saviour until His return
©2015 – RC – A member of the Church Family – Published by All Saints Church with permission