This is the very heart of Luke’s gospel – indeed the heart of all four Gospels! Do you feel lost today? Then Jesus is already on his way to find you!

Luke 14 for Advent – Who gets invited?Luke 14 for Advent – Who gets invited?
Lots of invitations are heading back and forth at this time of year. I always smile and think of Rev Geraldine Granger – The Vicar of Dibley – and her epic Christmas Day Lunch Marathon! But who gets an invite? Friends and family? Some we

Luke 13 for Advent – It will all end in tearsLuke 13 for Advent – It will all end in tears
We continue in a similar vein to the previous chapter. Jesus has a stern warning – “Repent or Perish … There will be weeping there, and gnashing of teeth, when you see Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God,

Luke 12 for Advent – Warnings and EncouragementsLuke 12 for Advent – Warnings and Encouragements
Jesus does not pull any punches in this chapter. A rich man is described as a fool – we are told not to worry, but that there would be much to worry us were Jesus not with us. A warning to heed the signs of

Luke 11 for Advent – Prayerful ChallengeLuke 11 for Advent – Prayerful Challenge
Luke 11 is a good example of why its important to read the whole of Luke. Jesus’ teaching on the Lord’s Prayer is frequently quoted and studied, but in the SAME CHAPTER Luke also records Jesus’ absolutely devastating attack on the religious leaders called Pharisees

Luke 10 for Advent – A Good SamaritanLuke 10 for Advent – A Good Samaritan
One of the most famous of Jesus’ parables. When asked the question “Who is my neighbour?”, in response to the command to love your neighbour, Jesus response is simple. “You know those people you REALLY hate?” “Them!!”

Luke 9 for Advent – Turning PointLuke 9 for Advent – Turning Point
We aren’t even half way yet, but this chapter marks a turning point in Luke’s Gospel. Jesus starts the slow process of handing his ministry over to the Disciples, is shown and declared to be the Messiah, but then starts to talk about his death!

Luke 8 for Advent – Who is this?Luke 8 for Advent – Who is this?
Who is this? That’s what the disciples are asking. That’s what the people are asking? Who is this? Someone who teaches with authority! Someone who can still a storm! Someone who can raise the dead! Who is this? What do you say?

Luke 7 for Advent – OutsidersLuke 7 for Advent – Outsiders
Who are the sort of people that Jesus chooses to spend time with? Well – the sort of people you wouldn’t want to spend time with! What does that say about you, Him and them? Hmmmm!

Luke 6 for Advent – RadicalLuke 6 for Advent – Radical
Jesus begins to teach and his message is the more radical than anyone before or since. Love your Enemies – Blessed are the Poor – Do not judge It’s simple – but not easy!